One View: Our way forward in the PCUSA

I am embedding a document produced by the Office of Theology and Worship at the Presbyterian Church (USA). It’s worth reading critically in order to get a handle around what we as a denomination have actually done with respect to the ordination of people who engage in same sex sex acts (i.e., homosexuals) and also in terms of the the redefinition of marriage.

Later this week and after Christmas day I’ll work through the document and offer some thoughts and responses. Initially, the paper seems to be an attempt to describe the current reality of the PC(USA)–a helpful offering since we as a denomination occupy a space that the culture suggests oughtn’t to really exist (i.e., neither affirming nor denying the faithfulness of same sex marriage). The culture may be right though not necessarily, and its important that we not rush to occupy the patterns of thought that exist outside of the church.

At the same time, it’s important to make sense of whether the current arrangement is (a) faithful to Scripture and to the Christian tradition, and (2) whether it is a tenable way forward. I’ll allow you to form you own opinion as I develop mine hopefully under the Lordship of Christ and in subjection to the word which is Christ’s.

3 Replies to “One View: Our way forward in the PCUSA”

  1. Well since you ask , I will tell you what I think. I think you are deluding yourself. Trying to find plausible deniability in a Truth that is clearly laid out.
    When you entered the ministry, did you think it was going to be easy? Did you really think you would never have to come to the point when you would have to stand for the Truth regardless of consequences?
    Our spiritual ancestors thought so much of Truth they sang into the arena, you seek a way to bob and weave around the Truth to save your career.


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